Adam Foster has worn a number of hats over the years. A Chef-turned-sommelier-turned-winemaker, he has made his way firstly in some highly regarded kitchens as well as in some excellent wine bars and restaurants.
A thirst for knowledge and hands on experience led him to do a multitude of vintages back to back to back on both sides of the globe, learning his craft in the winery with greats like Don Lewis, Dave Powell, Ron Laughton, Pierre Gaillard and Stephane Ogier among others.
His love of Rhone varieties brought about the creation of Syrahmi in 2004, an expression of Shiraz always from Heathcote from a slew of organically farmed vineyards that is named in honour of someone or some event in the vintage at hand.
With his wife Pip and young family, Syrahmi now has a permanent home in Tooborac, where a close planted home block has been planted on deep veins of granite next to the winery as well as the small collection of wines made from fruit from Heathcote and Macedon Ranges.
Syrahmi is always released with around 5 years of age and the 2017 vintage named after the birth of their first son Hugo is a real treat coming from the vineyard of Carl Brown. A fresh and vibrant nose of plums, violet and spice, silky and slick on the palate with salumi, more violets and dark red fruits bound with some dried herbs and licks of spice. Fine and firm tannins backed by clear fresh acidity make this interpretation of Heathcote a must have.